Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I guess
that love does fade..

that sometimes
the heart does get tired
of longing,
of hoping..

that sometimes
you just have to accept the fact
that some things can never be
and that you should be contented
with things as they are.

Leaving is a choice..

Staying is a choice..

but you can never really ask someone
to stay or leave.

It's a choice they have to make for themselves
and sometimes no matter how much you beg someone
to stay or how hard you try to make someone leave,
you really have no control
over what they will choose.....

Life is like riding a bicycle…
in order to maintain balance
you have to keep moving on…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one falls in love by choice, it is by CHANCE. No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK. And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by CHOICE