Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Thankful for the Year 2008

Year 2008 now is ended,Theres a lot of things i've been thankful with.,Being healthy the whole year, meeting lot of friends my long lost friends.giving a chance to see my son.But the most i really THANKFUL in my life this year, Is to met the man i dreamed of, he's everything to me,who make a lot of changes in my life.Thanks God for everything! I love you so much honey.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Owe You....

You believe, that l've changed your life forever
And you're never gonna find another somebody like me.
And you wish, you had more than just a lifetime to give back all
I've given you and that's what you believe.
But I owe you the sunlight in the morning
And the nights of honest lovin that time can't take away.
And I owe you more than life now, more than ever
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay.

I'm amazed when you say it's me you live for
You know that when I'm holding you you're right where you belong
And my love, I can't help but smile with wonder.
When you tell me all I've done for you 'Cause I've known all
along. But I owe you the sunlight in the morning
And the nights of honest loving that time can't take away.
And I owe you more than life now, more than ever
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay.

'Cause I owe you the sunlight in the morning
And the nights of honest loving that time can't take away. And
I owe you more than life now, more than ever
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay.

I love you so much honey,with all that i am..missed you so bad.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Story of REGRET

I wanna share a very touching LOVE STORY,

There was this guy who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait for his right girl to appear. He believed that there would definitely be someone special out there for him, but none came.

Every year at Christmas, his ex-girlfriend would return from Vancouver to look him up. He was aware that she still held some hope of re-kindling the past romance with him. He did not wish to mislead her in any way. So he would always get one of his girl friends to pose as his steady whenever she came back. That went on for several years and each year, the guy would get a different girl to pose as his romantic interest. So whenever the ex-girlfriend came to visit him, she would be led into believing that it was all over between her and the guy. The girl took all those rather well, often trying to casually tease him about his different girlfriends, or so, as it seemed! In fact, the girl often wept in secret whenever she saw him with another girl, but she was too proud to admit it. Still, every Christmas, she returned, hoping to re-kindle some form of romance. But each time, she returned to Vancouver feeling disappointed.

Finally she decided that she could not play that game any longer. Therefore, she confronted him and professed that after all those years, he was still the only man that she had ever loved. Although the guy knew of her feelings for him, he was still taken back and have never expected her to react that way. He always thought that she would slowly forget about him over time and come to terms that it was all over between them. Although he was touched by her undying love for him and wanted so much to accept her again, he remembered why he rejected her in the first place-she was not the one he wanted. So he hardened his heart and turned her down cruelly. Since then, three years have passed and the girl never return anymore. They never even wrote to each other. The guy went on with his life..... still searching for the one but somehow deep inside him, he missed the girl.

On the Christmas of 1995, he went to his friend's party alone. "Hey, how come all alone this year? Where are all your girlfriends? What happened to that Vancouver babe who joins you every Christmas?", asked one of his friend. He felt warm and comforted by his friend's queries about her, still he just surged on.
Then, he came upon one of his many girlfriends whom he once requested to pose as his steady. He wanted so much to ignore her ..... not that he was impolite, but because at that moment, he just didn't feel comfortable with those girlfriends anymore. It was almost like he was being judged by them. The girl saw him and shouted across the floor for him. Unable to avoid her, he went up to acknowledge her.

"Hi......how are you? Enjoying the party?" the girl asked.

"Sure.....yeah!", he replied.
She was slightly tipsy..... must be from the whiskey on her hand. She continued,
"Why...? Don't you need someone to pose as your girlfriend this year?" Then he answered, "No, there is no need for that anymore......"
Before he can continue, he was interrupted, "Oh yes! Must have found a girlfriend! You haven't been searching for one for the past years, right?" The man looked up, as if he has struck gold, his face beamed and looked directly at the drunken girl. He replied, "Yes......you are right! I haven't been looking for anyone for the past years."
With that, the man darted across the floor and out the door, leaving the lady in much bewilderment. He finally realized that he has already found his dream girl, and she was.....the Vancouver girl all along! The drunken lady has said something that awoken him.

All along he has found his girl. That was why he did not bother to look further when he realized she was not coming back. It was not any specific girl he was seeking! It was perfection that he wanted, and yes.....perfection!!
Relationship is something both parties should work on. Realizing that he had let away someone so important in his life, he decided to call her immediately. His whole mind was flooded with fear. He was afraid that she might have found someone new or no longer had the same feelings anymore..... For once, he felt the fear of losing someone.

As it was Christmas eve, the line was quite hard to get through, especially an overseas call. He tried again and again, never giving up. Finally, he got through......precisely at 1200 midnight. He confessed his love for her and the girl was moved to tears. It seemed that she never got over him! Even after so long, she was still waiting for him, never giving up.

He was so excited to meet her and to begin his new chapter of their lives. He decided to fly to Vancouver to join her. It was the happiest time of their lives! But their happy time was short-lived. Two days before he was supposed to fly to Vancouver, he received a call from her father. She had a head-on car collision with a drunken driver. She passed away after 6 hours in a coma.

The guy was devastated, as it was a complete loss. Why did fate played such cruel games with him? He cursed the heaven for taking her away from him, denying even one last look at her! How cruel he cursed! How he damned the Gods...!! How he hated himself....for taking so long to realize his mistake!! That was in 1996.

The moral of this story is :
Treasure what you have...
Time is too slow for those who wait;
Too swift for those who fear;
Too long for those who grief;
Too short for those who rejoice;
But for those who love...
Time is Eternity.

For all you out there with someone special in your heart, cherish that person, cherish every moment that you spend together that special someone, for in life, anything can happen anytime. You may painfully regret, only to realise that it is too late.

All of my Life

Hon, I love you so much!

Come and lay here beside me
I'll tell you how I feel
There's a secret inside me
I'm ready to reveal

To have you close, embrace your heart
with my love
over and over
These are things that I promise
my promise to you

For all of my life
you are the one, i will love you faithfully forever
all of my life you are the one
I'll give to you my greatest love
for all of my life.

o yeah...

Let me lay down beside you
There's something you should know
I pray that you decide to
open your heart and let me show
enchanted worlds of fairy tales
a wonderland of love
these are things that I promise
my promise to you

all of my life
with all of my heart
these are things that I promise

One true Love


You're the best thing that happen into my life to have your love, and thank you sooner we will be together..I will always love you forever..

Take care always..

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I just wanted to take the time out to say that i love you with all of my heart and soul. you mean the world to me and nothing will ever come in between us..

I love you so much honey..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joke time...

Caller: Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan
Operator: Yes, you can speak to me.

Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan!
Operator:Yes I understand you want to speak to anyone. You can speak to me. Who is this?

Caller: I'm Sam Wan. And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent.
Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?

Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noe Wan was involved in an accident. Noe Wan got injured and now Noe Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital.
Operator: Look, if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!

Caller: You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator: I'm Saw Ree.

Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
Operator: That's what I said. I'm Saw Ree ...

Caller: O h ..@#%....!!! !

Friday, October 10, 2008

YOu're great!


I love you so much hon! im really proud of you!
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Monday, October 06, 2008

when you look me in the eyes,,,

When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers Music Code

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I’ve been looking for that someone,
I’ll never make it on my own
Dreams can’t take the place of loving you,
There’s gotta be a million reasons why it’s true.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything’s alright,
When you’re right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can’t take a day without you here,
You’re the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything’s alright,
When you’re right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it’s all because you’re by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything’s alright,
When you’re right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms,
I know that it’s forever.
I just gotta let you know,
I never wanna let you go.

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything’s alright,
When you’re right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Matter of Trust,,,

Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
And they may not want it to end
But it will, it's just a question of when
I've lived long enough to have learned
The closer you get to the fire the more you get burned
But that won't happen to us
'Cause it's always been a matter of trust

I know you're an emotional girl
It took a lot for you to not lose your faith in this world
I can't offer you proof
But you're gonna face a moment of truth
It's hard when you're always afraid
You just recover when another belief is betrayed
So break my heart if you must
It's a matter of trust

You can't go the distance
With too much resistance
I know you have doubts
But for God's sake don't shut me out

This time you've got nothing to lose
You can take it, you can leave it, whatever you choose
I won't hold back anything
And I'll walk away a fool or a king
Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make believe until it's only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust

I'm sure you're aware love,
We've both had our share of believing too long
When the whole situation was wrong

Some love is just a lie of the soul
A constant battle for the ultimate state of control
After you've heard lie upon lie
There can hardly be a question of why
Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
But that can't happen to us
'Cause it's always been a matter of trust

It's a matter of trust
It's always been a matter of trust
It's a matter of trust

i love you honey!

Friday, October 03, 2008


Faithfully - Journey Music Code

Highway run
Into the midnight sun
Wheels go round and round
Youre on my mind
Restless hearts
Sleep alone tonight
Sendin all my love
Along the wire

They say that the road
Aint no place to start a family
Right down the line
Its been you and me
And lovin a music man
Aint always what its supposed to be
Oh girl you stand by me
Im forever yours…faithfully

Circus life
Under the big top world
We all need the clowns
To make us smile
Through space and time
Always another show
Wondering where I am
Lost without you

And being apart aint easy
On this love affair
Two strangers learn to fall in love again
I get the joy
Of rediscovering you
Oh girl, you stand by me
Im forever yours…faithfully

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Faithfully, Im still yours
Im forever yours
Ever yours…faithfully

I missing you so much hon.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I will be...

I Will Be - Leona Lewis Music Code

There’s nothing I could say to you
Nothing I could ever do to make you see
What you mean to me

All the pain, the tears I cried
Still you never said goodbye and now I know
How far you’d go

I know I let you down
But it’s not like that now
This time I’ll never let you go

I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life, I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

Verse 2:
I thought that I had everything
I didn’t know what life could bring
But now I see, honestly

You’re the one thing I got right
The only one I let inside
Now I can breathe, cause you’re here with me

And if I let you down
I’ll turn it all around
Cause I would never let you go


I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life, I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

Ending bridge:
Cause without you I cant sleep
I’m not gonna ever, ever let you leave
You’re all I’ve got, you’re all I want

And without you I don’t know what I’d do
I can never, ever live a day without you
Here with me, do you see,
You’re all I need

And I will be, all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

All my life (my life), I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay

I will be (I’ll be), all that you want
And get myself together
Cause you keep me from falling apart

And all my life, you know I’ll be with you forever
To get you through the day
And make everything okay


Wednesday, September 24, 2008


You worry over how long
My love will truly last,
You know I have problems
With memories of my past.

Here I have a solution
One I think will do,
Use it when you wonder
How deeply I love you.

Whenever doubts come to your mind
And you're not sure how I feel,
In your mind just picture me
And the truth will be revealed.

For if you look close enough
You'll see here in my eyes,
The truth of my love for you
And then you'll realize.

If this doesn't work for you
Then in your mind just try,
Feel my hand taking yours
And hear my loving sigh.

Feel my fingers closing over
Your warm and supple hand,
Find the strength in my touch
And then you'll understand.

Just listen for my voice
Whispering in your ear,
You'll never be alone my love
For I am always near.

This love that I have for you
No matter what's in my past,
Is strong enough to get us through
This love I have will last.

Not only thru all time
And beyond all doubts we find,
Please allow this love to wipe out
All questions in your mind.

For never will I leave you
No other love would do,
The only man I'll ever love
Is the one inside of you.

i love you so much HOn..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Favorite Qoutes!

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer;
no disease that enough love will not heal;
no door that enough love will not open;
no gulf that enough love will not bridge;
no wall that enough love will not throw down;
no sin that enough love will not redeem...
It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble;
how hopeless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake.
A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.
If only you could love enough you would be
the happiest and most powerful being in the world...

If only you knew

If only you knew,
how my heart overflows with love for you.
If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.
You're the owner of my heart,
the ruler supreme.
Even in the dark of night,
I've only to think about you
to feel your loving light
and from this world I drift
feeling as if
I'll never touch the ground again...
If only you knew.

If only you could guess
how I hear your voice when others speak;
for you hold the key to my happiness,
and it's always you my soul seeks.
If only you could feel,
how your very presence
has the power to heal,
all the wounds inside me.
You've made me abandon
the pain of yesterday,
and you've shown me
that the past can no longer
stand in the way
of what I hope to achieve...
If only you knew.

If only you could realize
the way you've shown me
that it's better to give
than to take,
and whatever I do,
I do for your sake.
I'm willing to give you my all
and expect nothing in return.
But, oh how I yearn
for you...
if only you knew.


Monday, September 15, 2008

True Love

There was once this guy who is very much in love with his girl. This
romantic guy folded 1,000 pieces of paper cranes as a gift to his

Although, at that time he was just a small fry in his company, his
future didn't seem too bright, they were very happy together. Until
one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come
back. She also told him that she cannot visualize any future for the
both of them, so they went their own ways there and then...

Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he regained his confidence, he
worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make
something out of himself.

Finally with all the hard work and the help of friends, this guy had
set up his own company ..

You never fail until you stop trying. One rainy day, while this guy
was driving, he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella in the rain
walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still
drenched. It didn't take him long to realize they were his girl's

With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the
couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them
to know that he wasn't the same any more; he had his own company,
car, condo, etc. He made it! What he saw next confused him, the couple
was walking towards a cemetery, and so he got out of his car and
followed...and he saw his girl, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as
ever at him from her tombstone and he saw his paper cranes right
beside her...

Her parents saw him. He asked them why this had happened. They
explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was ill with
cancer. She had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not
want to be his obstacle... therefore she had chosen to leave him.
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. She had wanted
her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day
comes when fate brings him to her again...he can take some of those
back with him...

Once you have loved, you will always love. For what's in your mind may
escape but what's in your heart will remain forever.

The guy just wept...The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting
right beside her knowing you can't have her, see her or be with her
ever again.........hope you understand.

Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to
you, for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you
thought meant nothing to you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I will always LOVE YOU Honey

I just want to tell you
What I never tell anyone before
I want you to love me
I want to live my life with you
Only the two of us.

I’ll tell you my deepest feelings
And share my secrets with you
You were always my best friend
You are my life

I’ll love growing old with you
As long as we were together
I can see through anything
As long as you love me

There will always be good times and bad times
But we will always have happiness
And memories in our hearts
All the laughter and joy

I want to fulfill my life
Not only live my dreams with you
But to be able, at the end of my life
Feelings and the love I have for you
To be able to die in your arms
And have you hold me eternally
I just want to tell you
I will always love you

I Love You Tim!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Describe him someone said
And so I began……
He floods my heart with love,
He touches me
In a way I have never experienced before.
He stirs me and moves me,
He fills my eyes with tears,
My heart with longing,
My soul with yearning.
He kisses me and I am swept away,
I respond to his touch,
Like the sand to the sea.
I dissolve into him……
I crave his touch
Long for his next breath on my skin,
Thirst for him like a desert
Hungering for a rain.
I am compelled only to touch him,
To want him, to love him.
He is my dream in the dark vast of night,
He is the glow on my skin,
The smile on my face,
The sparkle in my eye,
The Love of my life…
I love him.
You're my everything Mr. Fugate!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Treasures of the Heart

As my heart became a loom
When creating this tapestry
I had stitched threads of you
As I wove them around me

With loving textures blending
As I connected each thread
Here among my heartstrings
Its woven in passionate red

Love woven strand by strand
With a heart devoted to you
For inspiration you gave me
Enhanced the colourful hue

While weaving togetherness
Love created a work of art
Attached with forever bonds
In the treasures of the heart


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Maturity in Love

For a love relationship to mature, both partners must experience a deep feeling, a tacit belief, that there is something quite special about them which would never have happened had each not contributed to its creation.

Mature love partners have learned not to expect perfection in each other. They know that acceptance has its own reward.Each lover's differences test the other's capacity for acceptance, forgiveness and understanding.

They never dance around issues. When necessary, they discuss their imperfections, lovingly, with care not to pass judgment with harmful words. Acceptance and tolerance hold hands in the presence of unconditional love.

Mature lovers -- lovers who love unconditionally -- develop a knack for side-stepping resentment and focusing on the good they see in one another.They have evolved to a higher level of understanding, one that transcends taking notice of the imperfections of the other.

Maturity is the capacity to face unpleasantness, frustration, discomfort and defeat without complaint or collapse.

Mature love partners know they can't have everything their own way. They are able to defer to circumstances, to other people - and to time, when necessary.

Mature love partners permit each other the freedom to pursue their individual interests and friends without restriction. This is when trust presents itself.

Mature love allows this level of separateness to bring lovers closer together. In this scenario separateness is perceived as a bond, not a wedge. It encourages love partners to celebrate their own uniqueness.

To be capable of real love means becoming mature, with realistic expectations of the other person. It means accepting responsibility for our own happiness or unhappiness, and neither expecting the other person to make us happy nor blaming that person for our bad moods and frustrations.

Maturity, in general, is many things. Maturity in a love relationship is everything! First it is the ability to base a decision about a love relationship on the big picture - the long haul. In general, it means being able to pass up the fun for the moment and select the course of action which will pay off later.

In a love relationship, it means being able to enjoy the instant gratification that comes with the romance of the moment while knowing the best is yet to be and being patient while you watch your love grow.

It is knowing that by working together, the state of unconditional love will presence itself in the relationship and will mature with time. It is knowing that you grow into a love relationship. It doesn't happen all at once. Mature love partners seek new ways to help each other grow.

One of the characteristics of infancy is the "I want it now" approach. Grown-up people can wait. And often they don't. Often they allow themselves to slip back into infancy so they can justify rushing into things.

Maturity is the ability to stick with a project or a situation until it is finished. It means doing whatever it takes to make the relationship be one you are proud to be in.

The adult who is constantly changing jobs, relationships, and friends, is in a word. . . immature. They cannot stick it out because they have not grown up. Everything seems to turn sour after a while.

A Far Away Love


When I lay in bed at night, I hold my pillow very tight.
For every second that goes by, wishing you could see my eyes.
I catch myself starring into space, whishing I could see your face.
For the thought of you makes me shiver,
and to be that close to you would make my body quiver.

For a feeling this deep, should be the one we could keep.
Wanting that touch from you is so strong, how can these feelings be wrong.
So I lay there dreaming of you,
whishing you only knew how very much I want to be touching you.

I walk on the beach and look up at the stars, knowing you are so very far.
So a far away love should never be measured.
Cause with you in my life I have a treasure.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I miss you very much

The clouds slowly move
Unblocking my vision
Of the full, blue moon
Allowing me to see the stars
That I continue to wish upon
I hope tonight you are safe
I hope that you’re able to find the sleep
That you so desperately deserve
I often wonder, if at times
You forget someone over here
Misses you and keeps you in their prayers
I wish there was some way
To be held in your arms…
That I could look into your eyes
And let you worries disappear
There isn’t much I can do
Being way over here
I lose sleep over thoughts of you
The blankets that once surrounded me
In their warmth
Are now in a mess on the floor
I wish you were here to take their place
I look up towards the sky
And let the wind take my words
Through the miles
…I miss you so very so

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

I need YOU!

Song lyrics | I Need You lyrics

HOw DO I live without YOU!

I Love you Tim...

Million Miles Away,,,

Sooner will be together,,,,I love you HOney Bear,,missin you now!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Journey Of Love


Two souls,
Cast from the same mold.
Brought together by fate's own hand,
to travel another journey to a distant land.
Hand in hand, we will be
For I know, this was meant for you and me.
What this journey will bring
Is one of my greatest fears.
But, with you by my side,
I know we'll get through the years.
My heart is overflowing,
with love so pure and true.
Sometimes, it's hard to endure
The lonely days and dark cold nights
Waiting, for my everlasting knight.
Someday soon, I know we will be,
together forever...until the end of eternity.

I LOVE YOU soo much!missin yeah !

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


A man dies and goes to hell. There he finds that there is a different hell for each country. He goes to the German hell and asks, "What do they do here?" He told, "First they put you in an electric chair for An hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then The German devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day."

The man does not like the sound of that at all,so he moves on. He checks out the USA hell as well as the Russian hell and many more. He discovers that they are all more or less the same as the German hell.

Then he comes to the Philippines hell and finds that there is a long line of people waiting to get in. Amazed, he asks, "What do they do here?" He told, "First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the Filipino devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day." "But that is exactly the same as all the other hells - why are there so many people waiting to get in?"

"Because maintenance is so bad that the electric chair does not work, someone has stolen all the nails from the bed, and the devil is a former Govt servant, so he comes in, signs the register and then goes to the canteen!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Love will find its way back to you..


Just wanna share dis thought,,,,,

Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we love we
fail to recognize and appreciate the people who love us. We miss out on so many beautiful things and simply because we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our own selfish concerns. Go for the man of deeds and not for the man of words for you will find rewarding happiness not with the man you love but the man who loves you more.
The best lovers are those capable of loving from a distance far enough to allow the person to grow, but never too far to feel the love deep within your being. Letting go is not just setting the
other person free, but it is also setting yourself free from all bitterness, hatred, and anger that keep in your heart. Do not let the bitterness scare away your strength and weaken your faith, and never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let yourself grow with wisdom in bearing it. You may find peace in just loving someone from a distance not expecting anything in return.
But be careful, for this can sustain life but can never give enough room for us to grow. We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace and happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today. There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice and beautiful and we just find ourselves getting so intensely attracted to that person. This feeling soon become a part of our everyday lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions. The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us than just a friendship. We start our desperate attempt to get noticed and be closer but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded and we end up being sorry for ourselves. You don't have to forget someone you love. What you need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself.
Believe me, you would be better off giving that dedication and love to someone more deserving. Don't let your heart run your life, be sensible and let your mind speak for itself. Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well. Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow: If you lose love that doesn't mean that you failed in love. Cry if you have to, but make it sure that the tears wash away the hurt and the bitterness that the past has left with you. Let go of yesterday and love will find its way back to you. And when it does, pray that it may be the love that will stay and last a lifetime.....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Next Bus,,,,,

I like to kept posting this article, really lots of lesson to learn,,,,,,,

Love is like someone waiting for a bus. When the bus comes, you look at it and you say to yourself...'eeeiii.. soo full.. cannot sit down. I'll wait for the next one."

So you let that bus go and wait for the second bus. The second bus comes..you look at it and you say, "eeeii... this bus is so old.. so shabby! I cannot ride with this one"

So again you let the bus go and decide to wait for the next bus. Then the sky starts to get dark as it is getting late. You panic and jump immediately inside the next bus, it is not until much later that you found out that you had boarded the wrong bus!

So you wasted your time and money waiting for what you wanted!
and yet, you end up with the wrong one.......
Even if an airconditioned bus comes, you can't be sure that it won't break down or whether or not the airconditioner will be too cold for you, and will just make you sick....

So that means.. wanting to get what you want is wrong, But it wouldn't hurt if you give other people a chance, right? If you find that the bus doesn't suit you, just said "para po mama' " then just simply get-off..(pero magbayad ka muna hehehe)........

Hey! who said life is fair ? The best thing to do is be open and observant while you scrutinize the bus. If it doesn't suit you, get off. But you must always have an extra something which you could use for the next bus that comes..

But wait... I'm sure you've had this experience before. You saw a bus coming (the bus you want of course), you flagged at it but the driver acted as if he did not see you and zoomed past you!! with matching usok at alikabok!, this just made you frustrated, but think about it, It just wasn't meant for you..

The bottom line is.. being loved is like waiting for a bus you want. Getting on board the bus and appreciating the bus by giving it a chance depends totally on you. If you haven't made a choice..then WALK! Walking is like being out of love. The good side of it is you can still choose any bus you want.. the rest who couldn't afford another ride just have to be content with the bus they rode on...the same with those who cannot leave their partner..
they just have to be content with them, even though they do not feel in love with them anymore.....

One more thing.. sometimes it's better to choose a bus you are already familiar with rather than gamble with a bus that is unfamiliar to you. But then again... life wouldn't be complete without the risks involved. How will you know, if you will not try?...
sometimes, we need to take the risk, sometimes, we need to give someone a chance.....

But wait!... there's one more bus that i almost forgot to tell you about.... the bus that you don't have to wait for. It will just stop on its own, and will ask you come inside and take a ride for the rest of your life - it is named.. THE DESTINY's BUS.....

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lessons to Learn in LOVE!

Each person who enters our life has a unique lesson to teach us. And it is only through these lessons that we learn about life, people, relationships and God.

When someone lies to you it teaches you that things are not always as they seem. The truth is often far beneath the surface. Look beyond the masks people wear if you want to know their heart. And remove your own masks to let people know yours.

When someone inflicts an injury upon you it teaches you that the human state is a fragile one. Protect and take care of your body as best you can, it's the only thing you are sure to have forever.
When someone mocks you it teaches you that no two people are alike. When you encounter people who are different from you, don't judge them by how they look or act; instead base your opinion on the contents of their heart.

When someone breaks your heart it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that person will love you back. But don't turn your back on love because when you find the right person, the joy that one person brings will make up for all the past hurts put together. Times ten.

When someone holds a grudge against you it teaches you that everyone makes mistakes. When you are wronged, the most virtuous thing you can do is forgive he offender without pretence. Forgiving those who have hurt us is the most difficult and courageous thing Man can do.

When you enter someone's life, whether by plan, chance or coincidence, consider what your lesson will be. Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality? When you die will your life have resulted in more loving or hurting? More comfort or pain? More joy or sadness? Each one of us has power over the balance of love in the world. Use it wisely. Don't miss an opportunity to nudge the world's scale in the right direction.

Monday, July 14, 2008

JOkes for the day,,,,

After a woman meets a man in a bar...

After a woman meets a man in a bar, they talk and end up leaving together. They get back to his flat, and as he's showing her around, she notices that his bedroom is completely packed with teddy bears. Hundreds of them - all arranged in size, from the smallest on the shelves along the floor, to the huge daddy bears on the very top shelf. Although surprised, the woman decides not to mention this to him. After an intense night of passion, as they are lying there together in the afterglow, the woman rolls over and asks smiling, "How was it?", "Well," says the man, frowning. "You can have any prize from the bottom shelf."

Friday, June 27, 2008

Saying Goodbye,,,,

Saying goodbye is never an easy thing
But you never said, that you'd stay forever
So if you must go
Well, darlin, I'll set you free
But I know in time
That well be together
Oh, I wont try
To stop you now from leaving
Cause in my heart I know

Love will lead you back
Someday I just know that
Love will lead you back to my arms
Where you belong
Im sure, sure as stars are shining
One day you will find me again
It wont be long
One of these days
Our love will lead you back

One of these nights
Well I'll hear your voice again
Youre gonna say, oh, how much you miss me
You walked out this door
But someday you'll walk back in
Oh, darling I know
Oh, I know this will be
Sometimes it takes, sometime out on your own now
To find your way back home

Sunday, June 22, 2008

This Promise of love

I kneel beside you here today
I kneel beside you and I pray
That it's you, it's only you
Who will share my tomorrows and yesterdays

I searched a lifetime and found you
A bridge to forever I share with you
Open your heart and let me in
As I give you this promise of love...

I heard an angel say your name
Now I know my world's not the same
A little heaven is what you are
As we dream a thousand dreams not so far

And with the blessings from our Lord above
His light will guide us with a love
For you and me forevermore
As I give you this promise of love...

Now that I have you for my own
As God is our witness never let me go
Feel the love grow as we become one
One hand, one heart we are one soul...

I stand before you just a man
I need your help to understand
What is love without you
As I promise you this day and forever

This promise of love...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I guess
that love does fade..

that sometimes
the heart does get tired
of longing,
of hoping..

that sometimes
you just have to accept the fact
that some things can never be
and that you should be contented
with things as they are.

Leaving is a choice..

Staying is a choice..

but you can never really ask someone
to stay or leave.

It's a choice they have to make for themselves
and sometimes no matter how much you beg someone
to stay or how hard you try to make someone leave,
you really have no control
over what they will choose.....

Life is like riding a bicycle…
in order to maintain balance
you have to keep moving on…

Saturday, May 31, 2008

feel boreddddd,,,,,,,,,,,,,

geeeeeeee,,,, how i wish you're here beside me to hold me,,,,i misss you soo much! waaaaaaaaa! ---- Till i met YOU i never know what LOVE is!thanks for bringing so much joy in my life----- i love you,,,,wish you could feel every beat of my heart,,,(sad,bored)...wake up HONEY! talk to me......

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

im so inlove,,,,

Real love is.. The l0ok in somone's eyes that is meant for you al0ne,a gentle kiss that says EVERYTHING will be Fine,a hand held in just the right way at just the right time..A secret t0ld by one heart guarded by an0ther,a belief that someone Kn0ws you as n0 one else can,the little day to day acts of th0ughtfulness that go unmenti0ned but n0t unn0ticed,a feeling that no mater where you are,the deepest part of you remains with the one you love,a dream that c0mes true with time, trust & faith.. ----- I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH HONEY......

you can relate,,,,

after a while, you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
and you learn that love doesn't mean security
and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contract,
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child,
you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans,
after a while you learn that even sunshine burns,
if you get too much...
so, plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers,
and you learn that you really can endure...
that you really are strong...
and you really do have worth...!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

just a thing,,,

LOVE is when u sit beside someone ..
Doing nothing ..
Yet ..
Happy ..

Luv is so kind dat it teaches u 2 sacrifice.luv is so great dat it sh0ws u h0w 2 care.luv is so great c0z it pr0vides happines... H0wever l0ve can be selfish 4 it teaches u 2 0wn
someb0dy.it is cruel c0z it all0ws l0vers 2 f0l apart.it is rude c0z it pr0vides barrier am0ng frndz.Luv Leaves u pain,burden & tears.Luv Lets u do even d w0rst things 4 others.Luv teaches u 2 hate & eventualy, luv teaches u 2 be str0ng in order 2 survive & luv agen..

Wn u r out der lukin 4dat prfect prson,
Kip dis thngs n mind:
Ppol change no mater how hard dey try not 2.
As u grow oldr u mature & w/ each new level
Of maturity cams dfrent ideas, dfrent needs & wants.
D person hu was perfect 4u at 20's cud b d prson u h8 at 30's.
U hav 2 find sm1 hu wil: grow w/u, change w/u, laugh w/u & cry w/u.
Rmembr dat der s no such perfect person in dis wrld
Bt der wil always b sm1 hu wil cmplete u..

Do you know y God created gaps between our fingers?
So that someday, the 1 who was made for you,
Will come & fill those gaps by holding your hands..

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Dozen Ways to Get to Know Your Real Partner

How could you have an intimate relationship with someone only to wake up one day to find out that the person you fell in love with is not the person they turned out to be?

I believe there are at least a dozen ways to know who someone really is -- indicators -- and if we do an inventory early on, we might stand a better chance of getting to know the real person before we fully commit. The following "observance" suggestions are important ones to make in the early stages of any relationship because each offers insight into habits, patterns, and behaviors. As you ponder these observations, know that there is no right or wrong; it's a matter of acceptance. Sometimes we have to accept quirks and differences as part of the give-and-take process. As you do your assessment, however, the goal is to decide whether or not you can live with or without your real partner.

Here are the dozen indicators:

1. Protocol: First or Second? Whether it's walking through a door, ordering dinner, or taking a bite out of the freshly baked cookies you have made together, if your partner always have to go first this could indicate self- centeredness. Are you willing to always be the giver?

2. Politics: Liberal or Conservative? How your partner views what is right or wrong in a political sense tells you a lot about his deep inner beliefs about society, and ultimately, the way he will approach your relationship issues. Will his views cause a rift in your relationship?

3. Television: Sitcoms or News? If his tendency is to watch "escape" TV programs versus "newsy/event" oriented ones, you can learn a lot about one's intellect. Do you want a mate who can keep up with your every day interest in what is going on in the world or a person you can run away with to avoid the world we live in?

4. Money: Flash or Stash? If your partner throws money around while dating, he might well be reckless with your joint finances when you move in together. Do you want to hook up with a tightwad or splurger?

5. Stress: Freak or Peak? Under Pressure, does he go to pieces or rise to the top of his game? If the answer is the former, every minor incident in your relationship might become a crisis. Do you like a lot of drama?

6. Conversation: About You or Him? As you first get to know each other does he always talk about himself first or you? If he is usually the topic priority do not expect that to change. Can you subordinate yourself to the world revolving around him?

7. Pets: Warm or Aloof? Believe it or not, the way in which he treats animals will not be dissimilar to how he treats your children. How do you want him to treat your loved ones?

8. Communication: Listens or Ignores? If you have something you want to talk about and he tunes you out as a general rule, can you cope?

9. Strangers: Kind or Rude? How he treats those they do not know (waiters, grocery clerks) often reflects on how he will treat people in general, including you, shortly after the glow wears off.

10. Priorities: Family or Work? You can tell almost immediately where a person's preferences lie in terms of what comes first (a family member's illness or a business trip) by the choices he makes when faced with an "either/or" situation. Do you care if he leaves on the next plane to present the such-and-such report if you or the kids have pneumonia?

11. Appearance: Fat or Fit? How he regards his appearance screams loudly about his sense of self-esteem. Those who eat sensibly, workout reasonably, and who take pride in their appearance are the ones who have a great sense of self. Does he really have self-confidence or might it be a front?

12. Faith: Strong or Weak? If you want a peak at his soul, learn more about his spirituality, or lack of it. What a person believes deep down is often what shapes the way in which they conduct their day-to-day affairs. What is your mate's "words to live by?"

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Love isn’t the only reason why a relati0nshp stands for years or til forever.. We might think that love holds the relati0nshp.. But what if you love 2 much & forget that love also can weaken or worse, destroy a str0ng relati0nshp? I just realized that love is not enough.. The secret of having a str0ng, lasting relati0nshp is to trust the one you love & to accept his/her weaknesses or mistakes.. It’s not how many times you have forgiven.. But how you have shown understanding..

I Love you more than you knew...


I love you sooo much Hon,,,,I need you more than anyone could ever knew.....

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I knew I LOVE YOU, Before i MET YOU,,,

Hon, this song i dedicated to you...i will always LOVE YOU...

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes
I see my future in an instant
And there it goes
I think I've found my best friend
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only this sense of completion
And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces
I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound more than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

I love you so much more than you knew MR Fugate..

Friday, May 16, 2008

want to be with you so bad .....

How i wish i could pull the time, how i wish i could skip the day so that it make the time closer for us to be with each other...Hon all i am wishing is all things done as soon as possible..but i know we will..i love you so much.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

one sweet day......

Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
And now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away

Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive

And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day

Darling I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared


Although the sun will never shine the same again
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray


Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say

just want to play now.....

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

i just want to be with u so bad....

when it hurts so bad, why does it feel so good?
i wish these all made sense
i wish i understand
not having you here with me is tearing me up inside
but i cant stop thinking about you no matter how hard i try
you know how i feel about you
and i know i want to spend the rest of my life with you
why does it gotta be so complicated?
loving you feels so right
but at the same time
knowing i can't have you keeps me awake at night
i just want this to be simple
i just want you here with me
to look into your eyes
be held in your arms....then i'd truly be happy
right now, this distance between us is out of our control
but i'm still hoping one day soon....
i'll get what i am wishing for....

Friday, May 02, 2008

People come into our Life for a REASON.....

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant

Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.

confusing life...

Life is indeed full of contradictions...
Sometimes it's CRAZY to be SANE...
YOU need to FALL so you can SOAR...
people SUFFER because you CARE...
YOU have to UNLEARN to KNOW the lesson...
You have to GIVE UP because you are STRONG...
You have to be WRONG to make things RIGHT...

NEVERTHELESS life's complexities are also life's source of COLORS...

We should CRY to LAUGH again...
FALL apart to be WHOLE again...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Dream...

My dream is to be with you
…To love and to care
…...share my life with.

I want to serve the Lord with you
…to sleep at night with my arms around you
to wake up in the morning seeing you

I want to be the mother of your kids,
You are the one I want to grow old with..

God has blessed me with things more than I've asked for
But it is you I am waiting
… It is you who is lacking in my life
… It is you who makes me complete.


at times life is so unfair but it doesnt mean we should give up on it.. move but never let your love for him be forgotten, you can love him still but love more yourself,,,Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past stop planning the future, stop trying to figure out precisely how we feel, stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, sometimes we jsut have to go with ..... "whatever happens-happens"

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

im so sorry...

I guarantee that we'll have tough time; I guarantee that in some point, one of us would want to get out; I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret this for the rest of my life, 'coz I know in my heart...you're the only one for me.--i love you babe!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

why i love u soo much...

Why I always been too emotional when it comes to you, while reading those messages for you from other girls it makes my heart felt it turn into pieces, im too selfish for love the thing i dont want to share with anybody!--never been inlove like this before and the day i dont want to come when u go away and seperates our ways, dont know how to pick those pieces u've left, but im holding on to your promises that you will go no where.i never felt cared before and from you i found everything, u thought me how to find the true happiness and felt the love never felt in my entire life....

Love is something to feel with one's heart & soul. It disguises itself in many ways, and only with an open heart and open mind will it appear. If love were easily obtained it wouldn't be a grand, for it would be another common thing all would have, and we know that's not so...Love is complicated because it tests us and makes us live in reality..Love is complicated because it makes us dwell in the world of fantasy...it is hard as the saying goes.."anything worth having is worth the risk"..

All i know I LOVE YOU soo much!.. babe keep holding on!

Monday, April 14, 2008


love sometimes moves in it's own mysterious ways that we can never question. It's something that we just have to openly and unconditionally accept.we cannot take what doesn't belong to us and only keep what is ours. we may be able to get something we want but if it is not really meant for us then we would only be able to hold it for a fleeting moment and it will be gone sooner than we wanted to keep it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Angels brought me here....

"We may not always know the moment that love begins, but we always know when it ends."...

It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

My dreams came true, when i found you
I found you, my miracle...

If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

tanding here before you, feels like i've been born again
Every breath is your love, every heartbeat speaks your name...

My dreams came true, right here in front of you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

Brought me here to be with you,
I'll be forever grateful (oh forever Faithful)
My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle...

If you could see, what i see, you're the answer to my prayers
And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...
Yes they brought me here...
If you could feel, the tenderness i feel...
You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...


The hardest part of loving is when we have to love from afar. Distance is sometimes the ultimate factor that decides whether two people in love would falter to succeed. It can be a poison that can slowly paralyze even the healthiest of relationships.
But I do Believe that time and distance can never stand against two people who are destined for each other.--- i LOVE U BABe!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My Fave Song must be played on my wedding day..


Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?

Who can say why your heart sights,
As your live flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart cries
when your love lies, only time?

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....

Who can say if your love groves,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?

Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time


Sunday, April 06, 2008

I Wish......

I wish that you could feel
My arms about you tight,
Holding you up close
All thru out the night.

To know that I am there
And never away far,
That I will remain
Where ever that you are.

That you could press back
Into my warm embrace,
And feel my soft touch
Warm against your face.

Or you could shift your hips
And press against me tight,
To feel my body's heat
And my lips kissing you light.

I wish that you could hear
My softly whispered song,
To lull you into sleep
For it's here that we belong.

That you could hear me say
All you need to hear,
As I tell you of my love
Whispered soft against your ear.

And you could feel my breath
Warm against your skin,
As I let my presence beg you
To let this true love in.

I wish that I could hold you
And whisper long into your night,
Never would you wonder then
As I held you to me tight...

One of my Fave sOng...

by: Ric Segreto

Who would have thought we'd feel this way
Finding a million things to say
Knowing our dream is coming true
So, girl come here and lay down by my side
Give me the love that's in your eyes
It'll be good just holding on tight
And share in the night.

So stay and we'll explore each other, stay
And see what we'll discover, hey
There's so much of you that I don't know
And though, it may not last forever, oh
It feels so right together, no
We just can't let it go.

Now that I'm listening to your side
Seeing the laughter in your eyes
Even the warmth of loving you.
Here, here in your arms it last a long
Lost in a glow I never know
Now that I found you
Just don't let it endI wanna love you again...

I've had enough of being on my own
The emptiness of waking up alone
But when the morning finds we're lying here
We smile and say hello
Don't ask why, it's you and I...


Love is always a surprise.It hits you at the most unexpected time,place,person and situation. --Love is never about playing it safe.It is about risks! There will always come a time that we have to stop loving someone,not because the person started hating us,but because we ran out of reasons to fight for what we feel inside.--I miss you right now!hate this kind of feeling...feeling of emptiness!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Scripture About FORGIVENESS...

"Lord give me the WILL , the STRENGTH of HEART to do your will and whatever YOU desire from me."

Today's Scripture “Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
Today's Word When you’ve been hurt or offended, sometimes it’s tempting to hold on to unforgiveness. But we have to remember, when people wrong us, our battle is not against flesh and blood. In other words, that person who hurt you is not the real enemy. The Bible says that your adversary is the devil, and he knows that if you don’t forgive, then your prayers won’t be effective. Unforgiveness puts up a barrier in your life to the power of God. In fact, if we don’t forgive others, we can’t be forgiven by God. But when you choose forgiveness, you open the door for God’s healing power to flow through your life. Disarm the enemy in your life today by choosing forgiveness. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who wrong you. Look at what Jesus did—when He was betrayed, beaten, mocked, and disrespected, He chose forgiveness. As you follow His example, you will open the door for God to move in your life, and you’ll live in victory in every area of your life!
A Prayer for Today Heavenly Father, thank You for forgiving me and giving me new life. I choose today to extend the gift of forgiveness to others. I bless those who have wronged me and ask You to heal every broken place in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Finding and Keeping a LIFE PARTNER...

When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50%, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding Mr./Miss. Right!If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they'll say: "We're in love"; I believe this is the #1 mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love. Though this may sound "not politically correct”, there’s a profound truth here. Love is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again:"You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone"; You need a lot more!!!Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.QUESTION...1: Do we share a common life purpose?Why is this so important? Let me put it this way: If you're married for20or 30 years, that's a long, time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time? Travel, eat and jog together? You need to share something deeper and more meaningful. You need a common life purpose.Two things can happen in a marriage:(1) You can grow together, or(2) You can grow apart. 50% of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life! Bottom line; and marry someone who wants the same thing.QUESTION 2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?This question goes to the core of the quality of your relationship.Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The basis of having good communication is trust - i.e. trust that I won't get "punished”; or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings. A colleague of mine defines an abusive person as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. Be honest with yourself on this one. Make sure you feel emotionally safe with the person you plan to marry.QUESTION 3: Is he/she a mensch?A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions. Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis? Are they serious about improving themselves? A teacher of mine defines a good person as "someone who is always striving to be good and do the right ";.So ask about your Significant other What do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic?Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement.There are essentially two types of people in the world: (1) People who are dedicated to personal growth and (2) people who are dedicated to seeking comfort. Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.QUESTION 4: How does he/she treat other people?The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving,we mean the ability to give another person pleasure. Ask: Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self-absorbed? To measure this, think about the following: How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, such as waiters, bus boys, taxi drivers, etc. . . . How do they treat their parents and siblings? Do they have gratitude and appreciation? If they don't have gratitude for the people who have given them everything; Can you do nearly as much for them? You can be sure that someone who treats others poorly will eventually treat you poorly as well.QUESTION 5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to "improve"; them after they're married. As a colleague of mine puts it: "You can probably expect someone to change after marriage for the worse" If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them.In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart.It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating; to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues. Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself in trouble because you didn't do your homework.Another perspective. ...There are some people in your life that need to beloved from a distance.... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going anywhere relationships. Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention....Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know, or appreciate you?The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you...the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sitin the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life. An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye"; Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, pity, desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really that important .Do you bring out the best in each other? Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare and control? What do you bring to the relationship? Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?You can't take someone to the altar to alter them. You can't make someone love you or make someone stay. If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and "a life"; you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Seeking status, sex, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.WHAT KEEPS A RELATIONSHIP STRONG ARE:1. TRUST2. COMMUNICATION3. INTIMACY4. A SENSE OF HUMOR5. SHARING TASKS6. SOME GETAWAY TIME WITHOUT BUSINESS OR CHILDREN7. DAILY EXCHANGES (meal, shared activity, hug, call, touch, notes)8. SHARING COMMON GOALS AND INTERESTS9. GIVING EACH OTHER SPACE TO GROW WITHOUT FEELING INSECURE10. GIVING EACH OTHER A SENSE OF BELONGING AND ASSURANCES OF COMMITMENTIf these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment withdrawal, abuse, neglect, and dishonesty; and pain will replace it.
Happiness keeps You Sweet,Trials keep You Strong,Sorrows keep You Human,Failures keep You Humble,Success keeps You Glowing,But......... Only GOD KEEPS YOU GOING!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Send My Love to HeavEn..

Awww.. this made me cry! -- ..we should take up all our courage and do something our heart tells us to do so that we may not regret not doing it later in our life!--We always try to look for the best but when we finally see it, we never recognized it was the best, and expecting to find a better one, madalas hindi natin yun pinapansin, not knowing it was the best...until the time we finally loose it.---be careful in ignoring things you thought are just nothing because maybe someday you will realize that the one you ignored is the very thing you've been wishing for.

What can I say about a girl I loved since I was ten... that I love the way she laughs at me when I commit mistakes, the way she fusses over silly things and even the way she cries over some sad silly late night show...
She was my best friend and I have known her since we were small. She knew all my secrets, which reveals my feelings for her, that I love her not only because she's pretty and smart but also the way she laughs at everything and the way she sees life and love. I could still remember the first time we met; I was five years old then. It was one windy afternoon having no one to play with except for my best friend, Troy. He and his family just moved out to a neighboring state at transfer because his father got promoted. And so I climbed up our tree house, I saw a moving truck coming down the street. I watched it approaching and noticed a family station wagon following it. It stopped in front of the house and out came a family. I was about to glance away when came out the loveliest girl I've ever seen.
She was four years old that time but then even at an early age she was a beauty. She had long curly hair, which reached almost to her waist. She had fair complexion and eyes which could make a man lose his heart into them. I continued to watch her when suddenly she looked up and saw me watching them in the tree house window. I was about to duck when she smiled and waved her hand. I waved back and then watched in amazement as I saw her running towards the tree house. So I went to the edge of the ladder and said, "Would you like to come up?" she answered, "May I?" So I help her climb up and when she reached the top she then turned to me and said, "By the way, my name's Marge, what's yours?" I answered, "My name is Steven but then you can call me Steve." She smiled and said, "Well I like your name. Hey your tree house's neat!" then I replied, "Thanks! Troy and I made this. This used to be our hide out. We used to goof around, play ball and go biking together. He was my best friend and I kind of miss him you know." She smiled and said "I'm here now, we could do things you do with Troy and I could be your new best friend too. I never had a boy for a friend before so it could be exciting to have one. I could learn how to play ball and I have my bicycle so we could go biking together. Now how does that sound to you?" I smiled and said, "Well that sounds good enough." Then she held her hand and said, "It's a deal then!"
So that's how it started. So we became best friends and it was kind of strange at first for she was a girl and there are things which I was little bit hesitant to indulge her like catching frogs, swimming in the lake and climbing trees, but then she tried and did everything just to please me. There was even a time when she fell off the bike trying to catch up with me in a race we had and I was the one who bandaged her scraped knee. I could still remember the time when she hit the window of our neighbor when we were playing baseball and it was I who talked to Mr. Chambers and promised to pay for the damage, which meant having to loose a week's allowance. I remembered the time when I fell off the tree when I tried to rescue a little kitten because Marge was near to tears when she saw the helpless kitten trapped in a branch. I even fought with the tough guy when they teased Marge and made her cry and I ended up having a black eye and a bruised cheek. I remember Marge crying as she placed an ice bag over the damaged eye and later gave it a get-well kiss. I did everything to please her and gave everything her little heart desires.
The lake was our favorite hang out. We had our Saturday swim routine. We would pack food and later eat them under the big oak tree. There was a special branch in which the two of us could sit together and tell each other's dreams. She dreams of being a Ballerina and she knows my dream of becoming a doctor. She never laughs at my dreams and pursuits even if they were quite impossible. It made me like her even more.
As years went by, I noticed that my feelings towards her were slowly changing. Somehow, I thought it was just a simple crush case. But when I started thinking about her at night, dreaming of her and having the feeling of wanting to be with her all the time, I thought it was something different, something that made me feel strange, but then it was exhilarating feeling. It made me feel so alive. Whenever our hands touch, I could feel the tingling sensation in my spine. Once when we were at the lake having our Saturday swim routine and as I carried her towards the water edge, I had the feeling of not wanting to let go. I just wanted that moment to continue hoping it would never end. I then realized I was slowly falling in love with my best friend.
Many times I tried to deny the feeling for I was scared to imagine what would happen if ever I'd try to tell her how I feel about her. I was scared because she might think that I'm taking advantage of her and our friendship. I was afraid of losing her so I just kept my feeling hidden.
We reached the age of fifteen and I noticed that Marge grew lovelier each day. How my heart aches wherever I see boys glance her way. I want to punch their noses as I watch them talking to her giving compliments, flowers and chocolates. There were times when I watch her at a distance with mixed feelings of anger and hurt! Because it hurts so much to know that there were so many things I wanted to tell her but then I could not do so. There were so many presents which I long to give her but then I could not for she might see me only as a friend. I was also scared of letting her know how I feel about her as much as losing her.
Then one day, I just learned from a friend that she already had a boyfriend. At first, I tried to convince myself that it was just a rumor. Her boyfriend was Mark, a popular senior, who was the heartthrob of the campus. She, being the cheerleader was close to the basketball team to which Mark was the captain. When I saw them walking together at the parking lot that afternoon, I watched her with my heart slowly breaking into pieces. I saw her wave at me but I just pretended not to see her for I was scared that she might see in my eyes the pain I'm feeling inside because of seeing her with another guy. Those days that followed where the saddest days of my life. How my heart aches when I see her walk by me with him at her side. Every time we meet in hallways and I see him around her, there's a feeling inside me that makes me want to grab her away from him. How it hurts to see the girl I long possess was now owned by somebody else. That special smile I long for her to cast on me was now casted on him. As she passes by me she doesn't know that I whisper the words "God how I love you."
Then one faithful day they broke up. She came too me that evening crying on my shoulder. They had a big fight and it ended up with their break up. Mixed feelings were scaring me inside. I was happy because she was free and maybe I would have the chance of telling her my true feelings for her but then I was feeling so bad because she is crying her heart out just for him. At that time, I was not quite sure of what I wanted to do.
So we found ourselves doing what we did in old days with our Saturday swim routine, spending time in our tree house. We still enjoyed doing childish pranks for we still are both young at heart. So many chances I had for me to confess my feelings for her but still I couldn't bring myself to her for I was scared of losing her once more. I once lost her, now I could not bear of losing her again by telling her, "I love her". So I just kept my feelings even if it was bursting to be expressed from my aching heart.
It was a week from our JS Prom, we were seated at the branch of an oak tree drying ourselves after our afternoon swim when she said, "I was wondering Steve if you would like to be my partner?" It just got out of my wits for it was like a dream I never thought would happen. It took me awhile to answer her, "I thought there are so many boys who would die for you to be their partner?" So she turned away and quietly said, "Well I just thought I would like to spend that night with my best friend." Then she continued in a whisper I could barely hear, "Don't you want to die just like them to be my partner Steve?" I was too stunned to speak for it came close for me to blurt my feelings for her. We we're silent for a while until I finally whispered, "I would be happy to be your partner Sam. "The she smiled and suddenly kissed my cheek. I could hardly contain the joy I felt that time. I saw her turned red and bowed her head. Suddenly she stood up and run towards the water saying, "Last one to reach the water treats to sundae fudge!"I ran slowed up so that I would lose which meant having to have her with me for another three hours or more.
Our Prom night came. I bought a new tuxedo and poured almost the entire bottle of perfume. I went to fetch Marge. Marge's mother greeted me and I went to sit in the living room waiting for her to come down. I was talking to her father when I heard her say, "How do I look?" I look up and saw her lovelier than ever in a strapless white dress with her hair flowing around her face. I stood up and opened my mouth but found out I could not find my voice. Then I got her hand shakily fastened the corsage around her wrist and whispered, "To the loveliest girl in the whole world." She then asked, "Is that true?" I nodded and she smiled and I smiled back then I turned to open the door for her. When we arrived at the gymnasium we hardly recognized our classmates. Gone were the jeans and T-shirts. They were replaced with tuxedos and gowns. Then I held out her hand bowed and said, "Would you give me the honor of your first dance?" She laughed and curtseyed. Then I led her to the dance floor. It was like a dream coming true, a moment of enchantment. I was there dancing with the only girl I ever loved. She was smiling up to me, as we were slowly moving in a smooth gliding motion. I found myself lost as I stared down to her sparkling eyes. The curls of her long hair were like waves enhancing her beautiful face. There were so many things I wanted to tell her that moment. I wanted to tell that she was the most beautiful girl that night. I wanted to tell her that she would always be the beacon of light in my darkness, but what I wanted to tell her the most was that I love her. I drew up all my courage and bent to whisper it in her ear but suddenly the music stopped and the magic was gone. I came close to telling her, but still haven't done it.
We walked towards the table and found ourselves surrounded by friends. I asked her if she wanted a drink, she nodded and so I went to get one. It took me a long time to get one and when I returned to our table, she was gone. I asked her friend, Katie, where she was but she told me that she doesn't know. So I went to search for her. As I was searching for her, I reached the garden. There I saw two silhouette figures outlined by the moon's silvery light. They were so close to each other that I could never describe the feeling I had when I recognized the white dress that Marge was wearing that night. I just turned and left the gymnasium.
Since that night, I avoided her. Many times she tried talking to me but I never gave her the chance to do so. I was afraid to hear her say that she loves Mark and not me. I would rather have left in ignorance of her true feelings for me than to hear from those dreaded words and feel my hope crush and my heart break. I didn't return her calls. I would not see her if she comes into our house. In the hallways, as she approaches I would go to another direction. It also hurts to do those things but then I thought that was the best way to forget her. Those months were tormenting but still I kept my pride.
The day of our graduation came. I was planning to take up medicine at a neighboring state and was to move out the next day. As the program ended, she approached me and handed me a rose. As she stared at me, there was something in her eyes I couldn't describe. There was sadness in them and when she smiled it wasn't the same smile she had. I wanted to hug her at that moment, tell her that I love her but then she turned and walked away from me.
So I moved out the next day as I planned. Luckily, I was accepted at the university. I concentrated with my studies but still I think of her at night. I was always wondering if she thinks of me too. I tried hard not to think of her but still I could not stop myself from loving her. Each achievement I have was done for her. I thought that if I will be successful one day, I would be able to tell her that I love her and by that time, I'm worthy of having her.
It was a year after our graduation when I decided to return home and see her again. I thought a year is too much for me not to see her and during the past year I felt like a person lost in the desert and only the sight of her could quench the thirst I have inside. As I got off the plane, I went home directly, desperate to get to her house desperate to see her, to hug her. Then I would tell her that I missed her and that I have loved her for a long time. This time I am determined to let her know my true feelings for her and I could not contain anymore the love I have for her. I reached their house; I saw her elder sister and I approached her. I smiled at her but I noticed she didn't smile back. I was confused for she used to be a cheerful lady just like my dear Marge. I then asked, "Hi Joy! I guess you're surprised why I'm here. Well I just want to visit you and I was also hoping to see Marge. I kind of miss her you know. Mmm by the way have you seen her?" All I saw was sadness in her eyes as she replied quietly "Come follow me."
I was confused with the way she's acting but still I followed her. As we were walking, I was trying to indulge her in a conversation but she just answered my question briefly. Then I realized that she was leading me to the direction of the lake. It was still the same as I left it, with the same oak tree, Marge and I used to climb up. I smiled upon remembering the kiss MArge gave me when I agreed to be her partner. It's been one of the happiest days in my life and I realized that I missed Marge more than I thought. Then Joy stopped walking and pointed to the tree. She then whispered, "There's Marge."
I looked at where she was pointing and saw a newly dug tomb with the name of the girl I ever loved. I could not believe at what I saw and desperately tried convincing myself that this is all just a nightmare and I would soon wake up. I stared at Joy in disbelief with her eyes searching for explanations and she slowly started saying, "It has been a week since she died. She died of Leukemia, but even though she was sick, she never stopped thinking about you. It was even your name she uttered before she died. She asked us to bury her here for she always regards this place as a place of LOVE. She said that this is where she had spent the happiest days and that was when she was with you. By the way, she also asked me to give you this." She handed me a parcel and with that she left.
I slowly opened the parcel and saw that it contained the dried orchid from the corsage I gave her for our prom. Then at the bottom I saw a letter. It was dated last month. I opened it with shaking hands and started reading........
****************************** I know by this time you read this letter I'm gone. I just want to tell you that I feel very lucky and thankful to God that I had a friend like you. I would also like you to know that I had left something inside, something I kept from you all these years. I love you Steve, not in a friendly way but as one who would feel like spending the rest of my life with. I have always loved you even from the start. I guess it just bloomed each day that's why the happiest days of my life was when you were by my side. You just don't know how I dreamed of you at night and wake up in the morning and dream no more for you were with me. When you were away, I can't stop crying because I was afraid to think that you are with another girl. I just can't bear to see you with another girl. I just want you all to myself. I may sound selfish but that's how I feel.
Each time, you held me close to you, was like a dream coming true, for to be close to you and feel your heart beating next to mine was like heaven. So many things I did so that you will learn to love me but I NEVER saw a hint. I did everything to please you because I love you so much that I even tried to fool myself that you're in love with me too. So many nights I've cried when I think of myself unloved by you. Well you might think that what I'm saying are lies but, I tell you, my heart speaks the truth for I cannot bear telling a lie to the one I love. I know you might be thinking of Mark; but I just did that to make you jealous, to make you see me as a young woman, capable of loving and not as the little girl you used to play with. Sometimes I imagined that you were jealous and fooled myself that it was a sign that you feel something for me too. When Mark and I broke up and I came crying, I just did that to know how you would react and with that I'll know that you love me too. But I failed for you didn't give me any clue. When our prom night came, you just don't know how happy I was when you handed me the corsage and saying that I was the loveliest girl in the whole world. While we were dancing, I wanted so desperately to hear you say that you love me too but you NEVER did. When Mark came and pleaded me to give him a second chance, I was scared that you might see us talking. I didn't want you to get the wrong impression so I told him we would talk in the garden. There I explained to him that it's you whom I really love.
What happened next was that I found you missing and later learned that you were searching for me, I just concluded that you saw us together. The next day, I tried to explain but then you never gave me a chance to do so. You continuously avoided me and never knew how much pain I've experienced that time. I felt the world crushing on me. In our Graduation day, when I approached you, I wanted to tell you how much I loved you but I decided that I just couldn't do it. I could not bear to hear that all you feel for me is just brotherly hand of love. For I want you to love me as a woman and not as a girl or playmate. So I just turned away and left.
Now that saying I LOVE YOU might be too late, but still I want you to know that I will always love you and my heart has always been and will be yours alone.
P.S.: Think of me sometimes... and always remember that loving you was the best thing that ever happened in my life.
I felt my tears falling as I folded the letter. I wanted to shout out to let her know that I love her, if not as much, but more than she did for me. I love her more than anything in this world. I knelt touching the soil of her grave and rain started to fall. I continued crying softly and whispered, "Oh God, send my love to heaven."