Saturday, May 07, 2011

Mothers Day Prayer

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

We thank You for our mothers to whom You have entrusted the care of every precious human life from its very beginning in the womb.

You have given to woman the capacity of participating with You in the creation of new life. Grant that every woman may come to understand the full meaning of that blessing, which gives her an unlimited capacity for selfless love for every child she may be privileged to bear, and for all Your children.

Watch over every mother who is with child, strengthen her faith in Your fatherly care and love for her and for her unborn baby. Give her courage in times of fear or pain, understanding in times of uncertainty and doubt, and hope in times of trouble. Grant her joy in the birth of her child.

To mothers You have given the great privilege and responsibility of being a child's first teacher and spiritual guide. Grant that all mothers may worthily foster the faith of their children, following the example of Mary, Elizabeth, and other holy women who follow Christ. Help mothers to grow daily in knowledge and understanding of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and grant them the wisdom to impart this knowledge faithfully to their children, and to all who depend upon them.

Assist all "spiritual mothers", those who, though they may have no children of their own, nevertheless selflessly care for the children of others -- of every age and state in life. Grant that they may know the joy of fulfilling this motherly calling of women, whether in teaching, nursing, religious life, or in other work which recognizes and fosters the true dignity of every human being created in Your image and likeness.

We beseech You to send Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to all mothers who sorrow for children that have died, are ill or estranged from their families, or who are in trouble or danger of any kind. Help grieving mothers to rely on Your tender mercy and fatherly love for all your children.

We ask your blessing on all those to whom You have entrusted motherhood. May Your Holy Spirit constantly inspire and strengthen them. May they ever follow the example of Mary, mother of Our Lord, and imitate her fidelity, her humility, and her self-giving love. May all mothers receive Your Grace abundantly in this earthly life, and may they look forward to eternal joy in Your presence in the life to come.

We ask this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Love Across Distance

Hello World! Been a couple months since i stop writing, but now im back! While sitting infront of my computer i have only one in my mind "MY One True Love" who always inspire me and make me happy in many ways...

Asawa ko,

I know I said this many times but i still want to tell you again and again HOw much I love you.Thank you, Tim. What more can a woman say to the man who opened his heart to her, allowing her to feel the warmth of his love across the great distance that separates them? You truly have no idea what I feel for you.

I try to put this feeling into words, but fail miserably. This feeling of Happiness and at peace, of having both butterflies and a sense of calm, is a feeling that I have only dreamed about. As the days continue to pass, my love for you continues to grow. I never thought I had the capacity to love anybody as much as I love you right now. Yet, my love for you continues to mature, growing beyond the realm of my heart. It seems that you have become the fiber of my soul, the very reason for my existence.

I have no other words to describe the way you make me feel. No words, no actions could even come close. "I more than love you".More than anything in this world I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We have both been through a lot of distrust and discomfort from our past, and we have seemed to finally find that trust and comfort in each other. We are always knowing what each other is thinking whether something is wrong, or right. I want to thank you for always being there for me, and doing everything you can to make my life easier. I love you so very much Honey!

Forever yours,


Thursday, May 05, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!

Here's wishing you a Mother's Day
That's filled with every pleasure,
And a future that's as happy
As the memories you treasure!

I know I have not said it enough
The way I truly feel inside
I understand why you were tough
I know you were on my side

I put you through so much
And caused you so much pain
I know I seemed out of touch
And caused our bond to strain

But you were great through it all
You seemed ready to understand
There to catch me when I’d fall
Ready to lend a helping hand

Your faith in me saw me through
Your love for me paved the way
All I want to be I see in you
On this well deserved Mothers Day.

I know you're in God's kingdom just wanna greet you on the special day and say the words that i longed to tell you mom.I Love You and Thank You, YOU are the Best Mom ever..I miss you so much...