Tuesday, March 25, 2008

missin' yOu Baby..

Its kinda bit so tired this nyt. Hmmnn,,, feelin’ so lonely and nervous don’t know what was going on! I can’t understand if whats really going On..ang gulo ko nOh quite confused na di mO malamAn.If u could only seen me right now di mo masasabi qng nu talga ang nararamdaman kO…ANO vAh talGa? ThE OnlY thing really bothers me nOw, I jUSt missed my sOn a lot!—Its Been 2 years nOW haven’t seen him (mY sOn) its really hard to my pArt na ikAw ang iNa ikaw din ang hindi kapiling ng AnAk mO.Things rEallY so complicated at this time.. I was cRying everytime I remember him calling my nAme, kiss Me When he seen me sAd and hug mE..awwwwwwwwww! ---


I Love You Baby, wish someday you’ll understand what was really Happened bEtwEEn me and Your father.I dO hOpE yoU’ll Understand..---- I love you and missin you soo much!I never regret to hAve you in my Life, I am so thankful once in my Life, I have you even in a lil while.


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