Friday, February 27, 2009

LOVE is...

Love is..
the strongest feeling known
an all-encompassing passion
an extreme strength
and overwhelming excitement

Love is..
trying not to hurt the other person
trying not to change the other person
trying not to dominate the other person
trying not to deceive the other person

Love is..
understanding each other
listening to each other
supporting each other
having fun with each other...

Love is..
not an excuse to stop growing
not an excuse to stop making yourself better
not an excuse to lesson one's goals
not an excuse to take the other person for granted

Love is..
being completely honest with each other
finding dreams to share working towards common goals
sharing responsibilities equally
Love is not a feeling to be taken lightly
Love is a feeling to be cherished nurtured and cared for
Love is the reason for life.

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